#############Chapter 1: Summarizing and Displaying Data################### ####Earthquake data, # earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater for years 1980-1990: eq<-c(18,14,10,15,8,15,6,11,8,7,12,11,23,16,15,25,22,20,16,23) eq #### mean mean(eq) #### variance var(eq) #### standard deviation sd(eq) #or sqrt(var(eq)) #### sorting sort(eq) #### quartiles median(eq) fivenum(eq) ##Range fivenum(eq)[5] - fivenum(eq)[1] ##IQR fivenum(eq)[4] - fivenum(eq)[2] diff(fivenum(eq)[c(2,4)]) #### stripchart-ggplot # stripchart (dotplot) using R base graphics # main is the title, xlab is x-axis label (ylab also available) # par() gives graphical options # mfrow = "multifigure by row or column" # 2 rows, 1 column par(mfrow=c(2,1)) stripchart(eq, main="Earthequake", xlab="Number of Earthquakes") stripchart(eq, method="stack", main="Earthequake, method is stack",xlab="Number of Earthquakes") #### hist # histogram using R base graphics par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(eq, main="Earthquake", xlab="Number of Earthquakes") # breaks are how many bins-1 to use # freq=FALSE changes the vertical axis to density, # so the total area of the bars is now equal to 1 hist(eq, breaks = 10, freq = FALSE, main="Histogram, density") #### stem-and-leaf # stem-and-leaf plot stem(eq) # scale=2 makes plot roughly twice as wide stem(eq, scale=2) #### Box-plot par(mfrow=c(1,1)) boxplot(eq, horizontal=FALSE, main="Earthquake", xlab="Number of earthquakes") ##plot data x<-seq(1:20) plot(x,eq,main="Scatterplot of Earthquake Data")