
1998 IMACS Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra

Special Session:
CA Applications in Biology, Ecology and Medicine

Session Organizers:

Nikolai I. Gurin,, Technology University, Minsk, Belarus
Nikolai K. Zaitsev, National Academy of Natural Oil and Gas after Gubkin, Moscow, Russia

The session topics include any applications of CA in the Sciences above. As example of topics organizers can give the list below which does not pretend to be closed:
- Using the algebraic transformations in problems with many parameters;
- Using the functional arrays in algebraic transformations;
- Optimization of data monitoring;
- Methodology of quality estimation via integral parameters;
- Development of CA software for special hardware;
- Modeling of dynamic processes in biology, ecology and medicine;
- Cellular automata simulation in medicine;
- Rule-based programming style in biology, ecology, medicine.

IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings